About Us

‘Nihil Boni Sine Labore’, ‘Nothing Achieved Without Hard Work’
Vision: To develop educated men of outstanding character.
Hai Whakapakari i Ngā Tamatāne Kia Purapura Tuawhiti
Mission: To educate young men by challenging and extending them in academic, sporting and cultural activities to develop the required knowledge, skills, values and character they need to succeed in their lives.
Palmerston North Boys’ High School seeks to provide young men with an intellectual and moral education which will enable them to make a valuable contribution to society. The School aims to develop all students in terms of providing the widest opportunities in academic, sporting and cultural activities in an environment which fosters the awareness of growth in personal and social relationships. The School will achieve this by:
- Offering young men a comprehensive range of educational, vocational and recreational experiences.
- Emphasising the successful development of the skills of communication, literacy and numeracy.
- Preparing young men for examinations and NCEA assessments and future career opportunities.
- Presenting young men with firm and reasonable guidelines to responsible behaviour.
- Actively encouraging and developing the qualities of reliability, honesty, concern for others and leadership.
- Offering young men a wide range of sporting and cultural opportunities (recreational and competitive) and encouraging them to assume life-long responsibility for their own fitness and health.
Young men who join the Palmerston North Boys’ High community are expected to live by the school values in and out of the classroom. These are:
School Ethos and Values in Action
Each young man will be encouraged to live the values of the school in his school life until such time as he leaves Palmerston North Boys’ High School. The following is a list of guidelines for the expectations of these values in action, which in turn becomes the ethos for which this school is known.
Character: be a man of outstanding character.
- Work hard at all times; be proactive; display initiative; put in an honest effort at all times.
- Have Pride in the school and be Loyal to the school.
- Be Uncommon – Destroy Mediocrity – Pursue Excellence.
- Discipline; strong self-discipline provides a lead and example for others to follow.
- Teamwork; selfless duty to your teachers and other students.
- Be Courageous; always do the right thing.
- Be Positive; be a positive person with solutions.
- Committed participation in school life.
- Integrity; a man without integrity is lost.
- Humility; be humble and compassionate at all times; show your worth by your actions and words at all times.
- Show Respect for yourself and others at all times.
- Leave a mark; grow yourself and grow the school.