At Palmy Boys’

2024 Academic Results

NCEA and Scholarship

Scholarship is the highest secondary school qualification in New Zealand, and in 2024 PNBHS students gained 26 Scholarships, including one Outstanding Scholarship.

2024 Dux Literarum, Toby Rea, achieved Scholarship passes in Chemistry, Physics and Statistics, to go with the two (Calculus, History) he gained in Year 12, while Scott Sun also achieved three Scholarships in Calculus, Chemistry and Physics. Other Year 13 Scholarship passes went to Jesse Akepogu (English), Patrick Canham (Accounting), Matthew Cook (Design), Tim Harjes (Physics), Teo Jauregui-Na (Calculus), Jack Trotter (Accounting) and Matthew Wongchotti (English).

Year 12 student Dhruv Banerjee achieved four Scholarship passes (Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, Statistics) and Simon Ton three, including one at Outstanding level (Accounting – Outstanding, Chemistry, English).  Other Year 12 Scholarship passes went to Ben Ditchfield (Accounting), Gray Lourie (English), Abdalraham Qarmash (Statistics) and Edmund Brown (Physics).  Kexu Chen achieved two Scholarship passes (Accounting, Calculus) as a Year 11 student, a remarkable achievement.

14.3% of Year 11 students gained NCEA Level 2 (National 1.3%)

72.8% of Year 12 students gained NCEA Level 2 (National 73%)

14.9% of Year 12 students gained NCEA Level 3 (National 1.4%)

63.2% of Year 13 students gained NCEA Level 3 (National 68.2%)

14.6% of Year 12 students gained University Entrance (National 0.5%)

44.5% of Year 13 students gained University Entrance (National 49%)

University Study – 2024

Palmerston North Boys’ High School has developed a positive relationship with a number of New Zealand universities, and university papers are taught in a number of subject areas at PNBHS by our staff members. Additionally, a number of young men complete papers outside of these offerings via distance learning.

In 2024 our young men were entered into a total of 152 first-year papers and achieved 44 A+, 27 A, and 22 A- grades. The top performers were:  Tim Harjes (5 A+, 2 A grades), Toby Rea (5 A+, 1 A, 1 A- grades), Scott Sun (4 A+ grades), Jack Trotter (4 A+ grades), Jayden Milbank (2 A+, 4 A, 1 A- grades), Teo Jauregui-Na (2 A+, 2 A, 1 A- grades), Jesse Akepogu (2A+, 1 A, 1 A- grades), Micaiah Gloyn (2 A+, 1 A grades),  Same Millward (2 A+, 1 A grades), Matthew Wongchotti (2 A+, 1 A- grades) Kexu Chen (2 A+ grades) and Jamie Bennett (2 A+ grades).

Academic Results
