At Palmy Boys’
Our School Vision is:
To Develop Educated Men of Outstanding Character
Hai Whakapakari i Ngā Tamatāne Kia Purapura Tuawhiti
Our School Values are:
Tū Māia | Courage – Ngākau Mahaki | Humility – Te mahi tahi | Industry – Tū Rangatira | Integrity – Tū Whakahī | Pride – Tū Whakaaute | Respect – Te itoito
We strongly believe that it is our purpose to develop outstanding young men who can make a positive contribution to New Zealand’s future. In order to do this we focus on not only academic achievement, but character development. Student leadership skills are developed through a structured programme offered at all year levels.
Our School Vision, To Develop Educated Men of Outstanding Character, lies at the heart of all that we do. The Leadership Programme was introduced to Palmerston North Boys’ High School in 2006. This focused and structured programme to develop character has created increased opportunities for student leadership across both curriculum and co-curricular areas, as well as responsibility within programmes such as peer mentoring and tutoring.
The Leadership Programme is linked closely to our school values: Courage, Humility, Industry, Integrity, Pride and Respect. These values are woven into both our curriculum and co-curricular programmes. All young men are encouraged to involve themselves in community service activities. These are organised in conjunction with the Sir Peter Blake Trust, PNBHS Environmental group, Palmerston North RSA, New Zealand Blood Service, Palmerston North Food Bank, Cancer Society (Relay for Life), Ronald McDonald House, Fred Hollows Foundation and World Vision.

PNBHS Leadership Programme
The Leadership Programme has increased opportunities for students to develop in character and confidence as they have progressed in to the senior school.

Barrowclough Programme
The Barrowclough Programme assists the achievement of the PNBHS vision To Develop Educated Men of Outstanding Character, who embrace the school values of Courage, Humility, Industry, Integrity, Pride, and Respect.

All junior form classes have a number of Year 13 students allocated to work with them in a mentoring role.