At Palmy Boys’
Barrowclough Programme
The Barrowclough Programme assists the achievement of the Palmerston North Boys’ High School vision To Develop Educated Men of Outstanding Character, who embrace the school values of Courage, Humility, Industry, Integrity, Pride, and Respect.
This is achieved through encouraging young men to strive to fulfil their potential in all aspects of their lives. The Barrowclough logo, an impression of Aoraki/Mt. Cook, symbolises the pursuit of challenging goals. The Barrowclough Award provides extra incentive and recognition to young men in the senior school who seek to challenge and extend themselves.
The Barrowclough Programme and Barrowclough Award are named in memory of a prestigious old boy, Sir Harold Barrowclough, KCMG, CB, DSO and Bar, MC. He was a prominent sportsman and academic at school, he studied Law at Otago University, and he served his country in both the 1st and 2nd World Wars. He was awarded the Military Cross for his “exemplary gallantry during active operations against the enemy” as a Company Commander during the Battle of the Somme and later was decorated with the DSO for “conspicuous gallantry and able leadership” whilst commanding the 4th Battalion later in this campaign. During World War II he was awarded a Bar to his DSO for his “conspicuous bravery and brilliant leadership” as the Commander of the 6th NZ Brigade during savage fighting around Sidi Rezegh during the second Libyan campaign. He reached the rank of Major-General and was selected to command the 3rd NZ Division in the Pacific. Following World War II he became the Chief Justice of New Zealand in 1953, a role he fulfilled for 13 years. He was appointed to the Privy Council in 1954 and was instrumental in the formation of the Court of Appeal as a separate court in New Zealand.
In the junior school, the Barrowclough Programme will recognise young men who have gained positive attitude grades in their end of year reports, have had excellent levels of attendance, have completed the requirements of the formal leadership programme at Year 9 and Year 10, have been involved in school and extra-curricular activities, undertaken community service in Year 9 and participated in the Year 10 outdoor education programme. Students who meet these criteria will be presented with a certificate that acknowledges their successful involvement in the Barrowclough Junior Programme.
In the senior school (beginning with young men in Year 11 in 2009), students will have the opportunity to enter into the Barrowclough Award scheme. Through their participation in a number of school and community-based activities, they will have the opportunity to gain points during the year. Accumulation of a certain number of qualifying points will result in the awarding of either a Gold, Silver or Bronze certificate of recognition.
At Year 11 the Barrowclough Award will recognise a young man’s all-round participation in the wider life of the school, while at Year 13, there will be greater focus on in-depth involvement and reflection. It is intended that the Bronze award will be within the grasp of all young men who approach their schooling in a committed manner while the Gold award will provide an incentive to those who are highly motivated to extend themselves further.
We are aware that many of our ‘top’ students are already incredibly involved in the wider life of the school. These young men receive recognition of this. The Barrowclough award is intended as a vehicle to help those who do not feature in the accelerate programme or the top sporting or cultural groups to develop their profile and gain recognition for their efforts and also to help them develop the ‘profile’ necessary to pursue leadership positions within the student body.
Over time we would like to see the Barrowclough Programme and the Barrowclough Award become nationally recognised, the recipients to be renowned as ‘Educated men of outstanding character.’ who display the values of courage, humility, industry, integrity, pride and respect, and of course for Palmerston North Boys’ High School to be recognised as the institution that has developed these outstanding young men.
Year 9
• Formal leadership programme (including completion of Learning Leadership text)
• Community service (Care for our Coast)
• Satisfactory involvement in school activities (school and junior road race, Shand Shield)
• Satisfactory involvement in a minimum of two extracurricular activities
• Positive attitude and positive attitude grades on end of year reports (minimum B average)
• Satisfactory attendance record
• School service (e.g. selling raffle tickets)
• Use of school diary for Goal Setting activities, regular use of diaries for recording homework (form teacher to oversee)
Year 10
• Formal leadership programme (including completion of Learning Leadership text)
• Involvement in outdoor education challenge (Year 10 Camp)
• Involvement in school activities (school and junior road race, Shand Shield)
• Satisfactory involvement in a minimum of two extracurricular activities
• Positive attitude and positive attitude grades on end of year reports (minimum B average)
• Satisfactory attendance record
• School service (e.g. selling raffle tickets)
• Use of school diary for Goal Setting activities, regular use of diaries for recording homework (form teacher to oversee)
To keep the extra staff to a minimum the emphasis will be placed on students to apply for their position and points in the Barrowclough Award.
Year 11 – points will be able to be obtained in the following categories:
• School service/involvement (including Shand Shield, road race, selling raffle tickets)
• Formal leadership programme – completion of Learning Leadership seminars in Terms 1-3 plus completion of reflection activities
• Community service – points awarded for becoming involved with a community group to include regular effort to assist the organisation
• Cultural involvement – points awarded for reliability and commitment, initiative and leadership
• Sporting involvement – points awarded for reliability and commitment, initiative and leadership
• Positive attitude and positive attitude grades on end of year reports (20 points per A, 10 points per B)
• Satisfactory attendance record
• Use of school diary for Goal Setting activities, regular use of diaries for recording homework (form teacher to oversee)
To keep the extra staff to a minimum the emphasis will be placed on students to apply for their position and points in the Barrowclough Award.
Year 12 – points will be able to be obtained in the following categories:
• School service/involvement (including Shand Shield, road race, selling raffle tickets)
• Formal leadership programme – completion of Learning Leadership seminars in Terms 1-3 plus completion of reflection activities
• Community service – points awarded for becoming involved with a community group to include regular effort to assist the organisation
• Cultural involvement – points awarded for reliability and commitment, initiative and leadership
• Sporting involvement – points awarded for reliability and commitment, initiative and leadership
• Positive attitude and positive attitude grades on end of year reports (20 points per A, 10 points per B)
• Satisfactory attendance record
• Use of school diary for Goal Setting activities, regular use of diaries for recording homework (form teacher to oversee)