At Palmy Boys’
Click here to see our schedule of the first two weeks for Year 9 2025 students at PNBHS
All students must adhere by the Fundamental and Basic School Rules that are set by PNBHS.
The bell will ring at the following times to signal the beginning and end of each day, as well as the start and finish times of each period and break.
All students at PNBHS are required to wear a designated uniform. All uniform requirements are available from the School’s Uniform Shop located on School grounds.
Click on the link to download our Automatic Payment Form. You can take this form in with you to your Bank, or use it at home for Online-Banking.

Purchase your 2024 stationery and workbook requirements online with OfficeMax now. Please do not have your stationery delivered to school.
Go Bus services are available to PNBHS students who live in areas adjacent to Palmerston North. Tranzit Coachlines provide four bus services to Pahiatua, Dannevirke, Marton and Bulls.