At Palmy Boys’

Pastoral Care

Ensuring the wellbeing of our young men is a key component of our School Vision – to develop educated men of outstanding character – as young men whose pastoral needs are met, are able to concentrate on earning the best academic qualification they can and developing their character.

Each young man is placed into a form class with a dedicated form teacher who they see every day. The form teacher, and indeed all subject teachers, are the first point of contact for any pastoral concerns. Should additional support be required, this is provided by the Student Support team.

The Student Support Team

Student Support Office

Mrs Shorter’s Office is the ‘heart’ of the Student Support Centre, and is first stop for students who are feeling unwell, need to hire a locker, have lost belongings or their timetable, or have any other questions.

Mrs Shorter will assist young men to get in contact with other Student Support staff should this be necessary.

Year Level Deans

There are two Deans at each year level. They have overall responsibility for proactively monitoring the welfare, attendance and academic progress of all young men in their particular year level and, where any concerns are identified, respond to these in a timely manner in order to remove obstacles that might prevent a young man from achieving.

Two Senior Masters have overall responsibility for overseeing pastoral matters relating to the junior and senior school.

Guidance Counsellors

We have two full-time Guidance Counsellors who are available throughout the school day and address a wide range of issues affecting young men.

When necessary, referrals are made to external agencies so that students can receive specialist support.

Leadership Director

The Leadership Director has overall responsibility for the implementation of the Leadership Programme.

The Leadership Programme focuses on assisting young men in the development of the key attributes of their character and confidence.

The Leadership Programme and the work of the Leadership Director proactively address pastoral concerns relevant to young men.

Careers Advisors

Our full-time Careers Advisors  work with young men at all year levels to provide specialist advice relating to pathways beyond school.

We have a dedicated Careers Room where career and study resources are available to students and the Careers Advisors are available for individual appointments and also work with groups of students who have similar interests.


When extra support is necessary referrals are made to the Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour, who is specially trained in addressing concerns that might prevent young men from achieving to their potential.
