Old Boys
Dear OK Chorale Old Boys,
My name is Nick Dow. I was a member of Chorale from 2005-07. I have been asked by Graeme Young to act as something of a secretary for Chorale Old Boys.

In November 2014 we held a highly successful 21st anniversary reunion, which comprised a public concert and Old Boys’ dinner. Around 20 Old Boys made it, and we are hoping for many more for the 25th anniversary which is already in the early stages of planning. To that end, please could you send me an e-mail () with the following information:
· Postal address
· E-mail address
· Cell phone
· Years you were in Chorale
· Any ideas you have for the structure of the reunion
At the reunion dinner, it was suggested that Chorale Old Boys make donations that will be used to help current OK Chorale members with their NZSSC costs. The idea is you contribute an amount (of your choosing) annually. This money would be distributed pro rata to those current Chorale members who had successfully auditioned for NZSSC, to be put towards their course costs. When I was a member in 2005 we met each school holidays (known as a course), with the cost per member per course being around $500.
The School has recently approved this idea. The (Westpac) bank account number is 03-0726-0476403-00. Please include your name and “OKC – Support” as your reference.
Please get this message out to as many Old Boys as you can. I have a database of around 150 of us but it is incomplete. For some people, I only have their names.
You can join the OK Chorale Old Boys group on Facebook here.
Best wishes,
Nick Dow