Our Community

PNBHS Educational Foundation Trust


The Trust provides ongoing support of young men and staff involved in the academic, sporting and cultural areas of the School.

What is this Trust?

It is a fund which receives contributions from those who wish to contribute.

The trustees constantly seek to increase the capital base and to invest wisely to ensure maximum returns are secured. The objectives of the Trust are to maximise the benefits and opportunities available to all pupils of the School and to promote and expand the educational, cultural, sporting and recreational amenities which are or could be available to the School.

How does the School Benefit?

The income from the trust fund will be directly applied in supporting students and the School in the areas of sport, culture and academia which (through lack of finance) may not otherwise be possible.

By involving parents, Old Boys, teachers and local business people as Trustees, it is hoped that the Trust will make full use of local facilities and know how to develop, within the community, an interest in the development of the School. This will assist with in the continuing advancement of School facilities and programmes, and ultimately increase the opportunities available to the young men of Palmerston North Boys’ High School.

There is also an opportunity, where appropriate for the Trust to financially assist in certain targeted staffing.


Contributions in the form of donations and bequests are applied to the Trust Fund which, through wise investment, will provide an ever increasing source of income to fund growth and improvement projects for the benefit of the School in accordance with the objectives of the Trust.

Apart from personal satisfaction derived from having contributed, even in a small way, to the School and its pupils, contributing members may be entitled a donation tax rebate.

The Trust Board

The Chairman: Mr Bill Kermode
The Rector: Mr David Bovey
Secretary: Ms Deb Burgess
• Mr Paul O’Brien
• Mr Phil Harre
• Mr John Whitehead
• Mr Steve Lee

Further information can be obtained from…
• Mr Bill Kermode (Chairman) on admin@pnbhs.school.nz
• Mr David Bovey (Rector)

or by writing to
The Secretary
Palmerston North Boys’ High School
Educational Foundation Trust
PO Box 4049
Palmerston North 4442
